10 Tips To Hit Your Step Goals During The Winter

Here at The Dad Habit we are all about creating an active lifestyle so it becomes part of your routine. But it’s natural to let your good habits go cold in the winter. Even if you were getting 10,000 steps in the spring and summer sometimes those steps can fall off in autumn, but they don’t have to. Here are some tips to help you keep moving.

  1. Take The Stairs (For Real!)

    I know you’ve probably heard this a thousand times before, but have you ever done it? Probably not. If you’re having trouble getting started, just begin by skipping the elevator or escalator only on your trips down the stairs. We’ll save the climb up for another day.

  2. Clean

    This is a good way to get your steps in and earn points with your wife. Vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping are all great ways to get you moving. If you have a place for everything and put everything in its place it will help you use areas of your home as they were meant to be used. Designate certain spaces for work, exercise, sleep, eating, and so on. It’s easier to use that exercise bike if you clean your clothes off it first. The dinner table doesn’t seem so daunting when it’s not covered in mail. Get moving and start cleaning!

  3. Dance Party

    This is a popular one for the whole family. Find songs that you like to move to and get the kids involved. Rockin’ Robin, We Didn’t Start The Fire, and You’re Welcome are all popular in our house.

  4. Use A Bathroom or Water Fountain That’s Far Away

    This goes for your house and at work. And if you take more trips to the water fountain, you won’t be able to avoid taking more trips to the bathroom. Boom! Instant step count upgrade.

  5. Shovel The Snow, Go Sledding, or Snowshoeing

    Another one that’s good for the whole family. Remember living an active lifestyle doesn’t mean isolating yourself to knockout those 10,000 steps. Get out in the elements and get the entire family moving.

  6. Park In The Back Of The Parking Lot

    This one is good any time of year, but it’s even better in the winter. While people waste time circling around the front of the parking lot, pull right into the back next to the snow plow. Not only will you find a spot faster, you’ll increase your step count in the process.

  7. Pace When You Take Calls Or Brush Your Teeth

    These are two of the easiest ways to quickly rack up the steps around the house. I swear I’ve worn a hole in my carpet because of all the calls on the move.

  8. Have A Progressive Meal

    If you’re lucky enough to get someone to watch the kids for date night, try going to a couple locations for dinner. Pick an area that has some good restaurants close together and start with drinks at one, head to another for an appetizer, a third spot for the main course, and if you’re up to it finish the night at a final location for dessert or coffee. Moving between each course will help you burn some of the calories and hit your step goal.

  9. Play a fitness video game

    During the pandemic we’ve struggled with screen time like everyone else, but if our kids are going to be in front of a screen let’s try and make better choices about what’s on the screen. We focused on picking shows that we believe have some educational value. When it comes to video games, pick ones that get them and you moving. You don’t have to hit a perfect score on Just Dance or Wii Tennis to add some steps to your day.

  10. Get Cultured

    You’re probably not ready to call yourself a “mall walker”. Who knows how much longer malls will be around anyway? But there are probably some cultural institutions you can visit to get your steps. Museums, colleges, and libraries are all fantastic opportunities to get out of the house, get moving, and suitable for the whole family. If you have a favorite location, maybe it’s worth getting a membership. Lots of places offer discounts for family memberships or maybe it could be your escape for mediation and relaxation.

Have any other tips on how you stay active during the colder months? Let us know in the comments.