Here at The Dad Habit we are all about creating an active lifestyle so it becomes part of your routine. But it’s natural to let your good habits go cold in the winter. Even if you were getting 10,000 steps in the spring and summer sometimes those steps can fall off in autumn, but they don’t have to. Here are some tips to help you keep moving.
Read MoreIt’s not true of all sharks, but some must swim constantly to keep oxygen-rich water flowing over their gills. At first it sounds like such a terrible thing, never being able to stay still. The thing is, when you watch sharks they seem so peaceful while they’re swimming. They’re not thrashing or over exerting themselves unless they’re about to feast. Maybe we should follow their lead.
Read MoreYou’re probably having a vision of one child locking eyes with you to get your attention while another ambushes you from the side. But “they both hunt in packs” is not the top answer on the board.
Read MoreLet me know if this sounds familiar. You come home from work ready to be active, get in a workout, or go for a run. You’re determined. The only problem is the second you walk in the door your bombarded with, “Daddy!”. Your child, or children, run to give you a hug. Before you even have time to take off your jacket they’re pulling you to the couch or floor, imploring you to play or show you something they made. Playtime quickly becomes dinnertime, which quickly becomes bath-time, then bedtime, which quickly becomes collapse-on-the-couch-with-your-wife-time. By this point you’re exhausted, your motivation is shot, and it’s time to go to bed and start the day over again.
Read MoreHave you had success with New Years resolutions in the past? Most people don’t because they make wishes instead of setting goals. Setting a goal that is a huge undertaking, with no planning, is a wish. It’s likely to fall apart before Valentine's Day.
Read MoreSo you're setting goals now. That's awesome! Hopefully you're using the stretch and smart goals to actually make some progress. But as you do, I issue a warning: at some point you're probably going to feel like an imposter. It's okay. We've all been there, suffering with imposter syndrome. It's kind of how you feel when it sets in that you're going to be a Dad. Who the hell let that happen?
Read MoreRead MoreToo often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
-Leo Buscaglia
Somewhere along the line many of us become afraid to learn. We feel insecure admitting that we don't know something (think about your parents refusing to learn how to work the VCR). Maybe we think we're supposed to know everything already. Maybe we're afraid we won't be able to comprehend something new.
Read MoreWalk in a room and you've already told people a lot about what they want to know about you. Fair or unfair people will make assumptions about your trustworthiness, success level, intelligence, and confidence all before you say a word. But the crazy thing is, we make assumptions about ourselves based on our own posture.
Read MoreI recently went skydiving for the first time. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junky so, I was excited, but, I was also terrified. Never have I felt more vulnerable in my life then when I was free falling from two-miles above the earth. But something crazy happens on the other side of that fear: peace.
Read MoreOften when our children act out we ask them why it happened. Why did they hit another person? Why are they throwing a tantrum? But the answer is simple: those things are easy and instinctual. Our default is what comes easiest to us. The question should not be why do we act out, but rather how do we not?
Read MoreLet's be honest, between a lack of time and money it's tough to have quality time with your love after you have a kid. But you don't have to go out to a fancy restaurant or break the bank to spend some quality time together. Here are a couple date night ideas that are cheap or completely free that will help keep the two of you connected.
Read MoreWe are all different, with different schedules and goals. But I strongly believe we should all have a consistent, healthy morning routine. That first hour you are awake can easily dictate the entire day. The benefits can have a positive effect on every aspect of your life.
Read MoreTime is the most valuable thing we have in our lives, but we squander it away without giving it a second thought. Maybe you've done some light accounting late at night thinking to yourself, "where did that day go?". But that's like thinking about where your money is going after it's spent. By viewing our time as currency we're more likely to assign it more value. That's why it's important to account for your time. The same way you budget your money you should budget your time.
Read MoreLet's face it, the world needs better leaders. Whether it's in your house, at your job, in school, or in sports we need to become the leaders we long for. The good news is everything you need to know to be a great leader you learn from being a Dad.
Read MoreThis month here at the DadHab we're all about goal setting. But sometimes we don't want to set large goals because they seem too challenging and we don't know how to get started. With this exercise we show you how to take larger goals and break them down into more manageable tasks.
Read MoreAlthough it may seem like it, it's not a choice we make once. Commitment is a choice we make over and over again.
Read MorePeople commonly opt for the all or nothing philosophy: their “diet” is perfect…until it isn’t. When we have a bad meal, it tends to snowball to a day of poor eating. That day can easily lead to the wheels completely falling off. Don't let it happen!
Read MoreMy mind is always racing, but it was nice to hear hers was too. I didn't share all that was going on in my head because I didn't want to burden her with it. I wanted to protect her from the swirling tornado of thoughts that goes on in there all the time. Okay, maybe not when I'm watching football, but heck she escapes into Grey's Anatomy. But I digress.
Read MoreThis month here at The Dad Habit is all about starting. For many of you this may be the hardest part, especially when it comes to finances. Digging through the bills and budgeting can seem like a mountain larger than Everest, but it doesn't have to be that way. So we've come up with three easy steps to show you that you CAN get started with cleaning up your finances.
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