Posts in Nutrition
Five Free/Cheap Date Night Ideas

Let's be honest, between a lack of time and money it's tough to have quality time with your love after you have a kid.  But you don't have to go out to a fancy restaurant or break the bank to spend some quality time together.  Here are a couple date night ideas that are cheap or completely free that will help keep the two of you connected.

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Dad Hab Approved Grocery List

If you want to be healthy, you need to balance exercise and nutrition.  The easiest way to eat healthy is to win at the grocery store.  So, next time you find yourself reaching for the junk food, take a deep breath and consult our Dad Hab approved grocery list.  You can supplement with things here and there, but this will provide a solid base for your healthy home.

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S T R E T C H Goals and SMART Goals

This month here at the DadHab we're all about goal setting.  But sometimes we don't want to set large goals because they seem too challenging and we don't know how to get started.  With this exercise we show you how to take larger goals and break them down into more manageable tasks. 

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