Posts in Finance
Dad Level Expert

So you're setting goals now.  That's awesome!  Hopefully you're using the stretch and smart goals to actually make some progress.  But as you do, I issue a warning: at some point you're probably going to feel like an imposter.  It's okay.  We've all been there, suffering with imposter syndrome.  It's kind of how you feel when it sets in that you're going to be a Dad.  Who the hell let that happen?

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The Currency of Time

Time is the most valuable thing we have in our lives, but we squander it away without giving it a second thought.  Maybe you've done some light accounting late at night thinking to yourself, "where did that day go?".  But that's like thinking about where your money is going after it's spent.  By viewing our time as currency we're more likely to assign it more value.  That's why it's important to account for your time.  The same way you budget your money you should budget your time.

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S T R E T C H Goals and SMART Goals

This month here at the DadHab we're all about goal setting.  But sometimes we don't want to set large goals because they seem too challenging and we don't know how to get started.  With this exercise we show you how to take larger goals and break them down into more manageable tasks. 

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CAN Do Finances

This month here at The Dad Habit is all about starting.  For many of you this may be the hardest part, especially when it comes to finances.  Digging through the bills and budgeting can seem like a mountain larger than Everest, but it doesn't have to be that way.  So we've come up with three easy steps to show you that you CAN get started with cleaning up your finances.

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