This month here at the DadHab we're all about goal setting. But sometimes we don't want to set large goals because they seem too challenging and we don't know how to get started. With this exercise we show you how to take larger goals and break them down into more manageable tasks.
Read MoreThe more often we make excuses for ourselves the easier it is to make more and fall back into that sedentary lifestyle.
Read MoreAlthough it may seem like it, it's not a choice we make once. Commitment is a choice we make over and over again.
Read MorePeople commonly opt for the all or nothing philosophy: their “diet” is perfect…until it isn’t. When we have a bad meal, it tends to snowball to a day of poor eating. That day can easily lead to the wheels completely falling off. Don't let it happen!
Read MoreIn my experience, the simplest way to take control of time is by creating a daily “to do” list. Every morning I write down the few most important tasks needed to get done that day. Prioritize what really is most important. Try not to get overly ambitious: an over-stuffed list can be just as daunting and stressful as a scattered mind.
Read MoreMy mind is always racing, but it was nice to hear hers was too. I didn't share all that was going on in my head because I didn't want to burden her with it. I wanted to protect her from the swirling tornado of thoughts that goes on in there all the time. Okay, maybe not when I'm watching football, but heck she escapes into Grey's Anatomy. But I digress.
Read MoreLet's be real for a minute. There is a reason we eat all of these unhealthy foods: it's because they are there. It's easy to sit in front of the TV with a bag of chips after a long day of work and an epic battle to get the kids to bed. Those chips are probably not your favorite and you probably aren't even hungry – you eat them because they are there.
Read MoreThis month here at The Dad Habit is all about starting. For many of you this may be the hardest part, especially when it comes to finances. Digging through the bills and budgeting can seem like a mountain larger than Everest, but it doesn't have to be that way. So we've come up with three easy steps to show you that you CAN get started with cleaning up your finances.
Read MoreWhen starting a workout program, going all-in rarely works. Easing into it and developing healthy habits that are sustainable has far greater long-term results. Here are my 6 steps to kickstart your fit lifestyle:
Read MoreLet me be the first to congratulate you. The hard part is over!
You're probably thinking, "That's awesome, but I haven't done anything."
Well, you'd be wrong!
Read MorePardon the army recruitment line, but here at The Dad Habit we're operating under the belief that you want to be all that you can be. After all, as corny as the slogan may sound, that IS what we want for our children. So, what better way to teach them than by being a living example.
Read MoreDrinking more water is vital to your physical and emotional well-being. Do you ever wonder why you get a late afternoon crash or that pounding headache? It may not be the caffeine wearing off, you may just be dehydrated.
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